
A graphic object represents an individual point, line, or polygon feature drawn on the webmap. The graphic object has four main parts: its geometry, symbol, attributes, and infoTemplate. They are used in many parts of the API. If you draw something on the map, you create a graphic. If you query a map service for something, it returns a list of graphics. Some modules even accept lists of graphics as arguments for other functions.

The graphic object can be constructed with up to four optional arguments:

  • geometry: It describes the shape of the graphic drawn on the map
  • symbol: It describes the graphic's color, thickness, and features that affect the appearance of the graphic
  • attribute: A JavaScript object containing name-value pairs of tabular data that correspond with the feature
  • infoTemplate: It formats the look of the graphic attributes when highlighted by the map's InfoWindow

We'll look more closely at these graphic features in the following sections.