GCP cloud storage

Cloud storage is a simple, bucket-structured storage option that is similar to AWS S3. Like AWS, GCP cloud storage holds up to 5 Terabytes of data. As opposed to competitors such as AWS, or even Microsoft Azure, GCP's cloud storage has upload and download speeds for large files that are about three times faster than it's competitors. Cloud storage also has some of the fastest throughput on the market. Throughput, a cloud concept that measures how much data is processed at a given time - in simpler words, how fast can data be processed. When creating certain applications that rely on streaming data, this can be critical. Cloud storage also has the option to create buckets that span across service regions, which helps with fault tolerance and availability of your data.

To setup a Cloud storage bucket, log-on to the GCP console, search for storage, and click CREATE BUCKET:

In addition to their standard compute and storage services, the GCP has another tool, ML engine, which provides seamless training and deployment operations for machine learning models.