1.1 What is International Business?

International business consists of import and export of goods and services. Exporting is the shipment of goods out of a country or the providing of services to a foreign buyer located in another country. Importing is the entering of goods into a country or the receipt of services from a foreign providerInternational Business(国际商务):是一种跨越国界的商业活动,是在不同国家之间进行商品、劳务、资本、技术和信息等资源的国际转移,其主体活动是进出口贸易,包括货物贸易和服务贸易。. Exporting is often the first choice when businesses decide to expand abroad. It may provide businesses an opportunity to reach new customers and to explore new markets. Importing is also a regular and necessary part of international business. It involves purchasing goods or services on a worldwide basis to reduce production costs. Such a process is often described by the term of global outsourcing.Global Outsourcing(全球采购):是指利用全球的资源,在全世界范围内去寻找供应商,寻找质量最好、价格合理的产品或服务,从而降低整体生产成本。全球采购的对象包罗万象,既有原材料、配件、成品、设备,也有房屋、市政及环境改造等工程,还有教育、金融、互联网等服务。据统计,全球采购帮助美国公司降低了10%~35%的生产成本。

International business may be conducted between individuals, businesses and even governments in multiple countries. Businesses include the very small firm that exports (or imports) a small quantity to only one country, as well as the very large multinational corporations (MNCs)Multinational Corporations(MNC,跨国公司):又称Transnational Corporation, Multinational Enterprise。主要是指以本国为基地,通过对外直接投资,在世界各地设立分支机构或子公司,从事国际化生产和经营活动的大型企业。 with integrated operations and strategic alliances around the world. It is reported that exports by MNCs accounts for one-third of world exports, and one–third of the world's production of goods and services.

International business is different from domestic business because the environment changes when a firm crosses national borders. An individual traveling from his home country to a foreign country needs to have the proper documents, to carry foreign currency, to be able to communicate in the foreign country, to be dressed appropriately, and so on. Doing business in a foreign country involves similar issues and is thus more complex than doing business at home. States generally have different economic environments, government systems, laws and regulations, currencies, taxes and duties as well as different cultures and practices. Companies doing business in a foreign country would encounter greatest distances, communication problems, language and cultural barriers, differences in ethics and religions, different currencies and exposure to strange foreign laws and government regulations. Typically, a company understands its domestic environment quite well, but is less familiar with the environment in other countries and must invest more time and resources into understanding the new environment. The following considers some of the important aspects of the environment that change internationally.以下将分别介绍影响国际商务的经济环境、政治环境、文化环境和竞争环境等内容。