- 商务谈判英语 看这本就够了
- 张玛丽
- 2355字
- 2020-06-24 19:25:45
Chapter 5 Motivation 动机
For Your Information
It's no secret that it's easier dealing with the highly motivated than someone who doesn't care. When I was the principal broker for one of the largest management companies in the US, we went looking for new accounting software, and the company we chose was very cooperative.They returned calls promptly and called often to ask how we were doing.When I opened my own company, I went to the same people and got nothing but trouble, because my new company was too small to matter.
中译 很明显,跟积极的人谈生意比跟一脸无所谓的人谈容易得多。我曾是美国最大管理公司之一的首要经纪人,当时我们在找新的会计软件,而入选的公司非常配合。他们总是及时回复,且常常来电询问我们的使用状况。当我自己开公司找他们合作时,却换来一堆麻烦,因为我的公司很小。
So I made my company matter. I reminded them who I was, and that I had contacts around the country from attending the annual international conferences.I reminded them that I still got calls from around the country from people who knew me when I was the principal broker for that other company, asking about their product.
中译 为此,我让公司的身价提升。我提醒对方我以前是做什么的;告诉他们,我以前常参加年度的国际会议,因此在国内到处都有人脉;很多人还记得我以前是那家公司的首要经纪人,因此还是会打电话问我一些产品上的事情。
After that things got a lot better, maybe not as good as when I was ordering over a hundred thousand dollars in extras, but good enough to get the job done. So the message here is that if the other side isn't that interested in doing business, then you have to inspire them.
中译 后来事情就顺利多了。或许当你听说我得多付十万元,并不会这么觉得,但至少工作得以顺利发展。而这里的重点就是:若对方意兴阑珊,不想跟你做生意,你就得激发他们的意愿。
Dialog 1
There are lots of ways to get the other guy motivated. The following is an example of inspiring a supplier to do right by you.Lucy works for a computer hardware supplier, and Hal for a small company just starting out that is only going to buy one unit.
Lucy:Ace Computers, this is Lucy.
Hal:Hi, Lucy, my name is Hal and I'm looking to buy a new machine. I understand you guys build to order.
Lucy:Yes, we do. What kind of machine are you looking for?
Hal:Well, this is for a business and it won't be connected to the net, nor will it be used to play games.
I want one to be as fast as possible while staying in the sweet spot. Do you know what I mean?
Lucy:Sure, you want fast but you don't need the top of the line.
You want fast but what was just superseded in favor of something faster, and reduced in price.
Hal:Right, that's it. Fast enough to do business and handle software upgrades for the next few years.
Lucy:And, you only want one?
Hal:For right now, I only need one. Before I commit myself to replacing all my machines, I want to see how yours performs.
Lucy:So then, you will eventually want more?
Hal:Yes, definitely. Do you offer phone support and training classes for my employees?
Lucy:Yes, we do, for an additional fee.
Hal:Good. I'm looking for a full service place to do business with.
Could you fax me a proposal for the computer as well as a list of all the extra services you provide?
Lucy:When do you want that?
Hal:ASAP, but maybe you should reflect a discount if all the machines are purchased at one time, say all fve machines I need.
Lucy:I can do that. You say you need five machines in all?
Dialog 2
Here, Lucy works for an electronics subcontractor and Hal only needs two thousand CD motors from a company that usually deals in the tens of thousands. Lucy was supposed to call Hal two days ago but didn't because she was busy with bigger customers.
Lucy:Hello, Hal, I was just going to call you.
Hal:Oh!Really?Great minds think alike.
Lucy:Heh, heh, heh!I suppose they do. How did the test units I sent you work out?
Hal:They did just fne. We fgured they would, but we had to test to make sure.
Lucy:Of course. So what else can I do for you today?
Hal:Well, we like your unit but really think the price is way too steep. We tested the units from several companies and yours had the best overall performance, but frankly because of the price I was told to make a deal with Brooks.Their price is more reasonable.
Lucy:Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but for the volume you're talking about, I really can't do much better.
Hal:Let me lay my cards on the table. This order is small because it's a production line test.
If things do well here, then we'll properly get all our motors from you and that means a lot more volume for you.
Lucy:Are we still talking about the same numbers you mentioned during our frst conversation?
Hal:Yes, there about. But that'll only happen if you meet or beat the price of the bidder I was supposed to call.
Lucy:If you fax me a copy of that price, I'll take it to my boss.
We usually don't do this for such a small order, but I'm pretty sure I can get you a yes.
Hal:Okay, you'll have it this afternoon.
谈判停看听 All the above dialogs were handled over the phone.The people are easy to deal with, and are the kind of people you want to continue doing business with.They were easy to motivate, and highly cooperative.If a difference comes up, they look for a reasonable compromise.However, not all honest negotiators are this easy to do business with.Next, we’ll discuss the diffcult to deal with types.Some can be quite diffcult, but no matter how bad they get, they’re still just looking for a deal they can live with.
中译 上面所有的对话,都是在电话中进行。这些人都很好相处,让人想要继续合作下去。他们很容易被说动且非常合作,如果出现争议,他们会寻找合理的解决方案。但是,并不是所有的诚实谈判者都这么好做生意。接下来,我们要讨论难相处的类型。有些人很难沟通,即使他们的状况不佳,他们也想得到一个最好的生意。
Vocabulary 重要词汇
sweet spot 安稳的地方
supersede 代替;取代
reduce 减少
upgrade 升级
additional fee 附加费用
provide 提供
steep 过分的;不合理的
volume 数量