OpenCV with Python Blueprints
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Chapter 1. Fun with Filters
Planning the app
Creating a black-and-white pencil sketch
Generating a warming/cooling filter
Cartoonizing an image
Putting it all together
Chapter 2. Hand Gesture Recognition Using a Kinect Depth Sensor
Planning the app
Setting up the app
Tracking hand gestures in real time
Hand region segmentation
Hand shape analysis
Hand gesture recognition
Chapter 3. Finding Objects via Feature Matching and Perspective Transforms
Tasks performed by the app
Planning the app
Setting up the app
The process flow
Feature extraction
Feature matching
Feature tracking
Seeing the algorithm in action
Chapter 4. 3D Scene Reconstruction Using Structure from Motion
Planning the app
Camera calibration
Setting up the app
Estimating the camera motion from a pair of images
Reconstructing the scene
3D point cloud visualization
Chapter 5. Tracking Visually Salient Objects
Planning the app
Setting up the app
Visual saliency
Mean-shift tracking
Putting it all together
Chapter 6. Learning to Recognize Traffic Signs
Planning the app
Supervised learning
The GTSRB dataset
Feature extraction
Support Vector Machine
Putting it all together
Chapter 7. Learning to Recognize Emotions on Faces
Planning the app
Face detection
Facial expression recognition
Putting it all together
更新时间:2021-07-09 21:49:00